Sunday, January 6, 2008

On a Life Well-Lived

So why is my blog named this? This is simply my life's ambition. I hope that, when I get to the end, I can feel that my life has been well-lived. For me, I think that will be enough.

I guess I'm waxing nostalgic because this is the year when I will become an empty-nester. My eldest child is married, the middle one is engaged, and my youngest will go off to college in the fall. I used to believe that I'd be ecstatic at this time, and ready to take on the world once more, but I'm not. I feel adrift in an alien sea, again, as I did when I first became a mom 24 years ago.

Only now I'm much more uncertain and actually, kind of fragile. I have kids out there who are good and wonderful people, but they are still capable of making huge, life-altering mistakes. I've seen friends who don't deserve it get sick and die. I've stared a life-threatening illness in the face. I've seen other friends go through horrid, nasty divorces. I've questioned my values, motives, and decisions. I've seen my parents age and grow progressively more incapable and unhappy. I've realized that I can't fix everything--and thankfully, that it's not my job to do so!

So what will I do with the next half of my life? I am not forcing myself to decide right now, but I firmly believe that when I do look for the answer to that question, I'll be provided with the inspiration and guidance from above that I need--and that this wonderful, messy, sorrowful, joyful experience will add up to something of value: a life that's been good and well-lived.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Hi! I too hope to have a life well-lived. I think it takes a lot of work.