Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Woo hoo! TAMN, also known as Tiffany/Amber/Megan/Nicole, of Seriously, So Blessed has posted a blog entry I wrote for her! If you aren't familiar with this blog, and you're a Mormon woman, you need to read it! It's a hilarious sendup of Mormon-mommy blogs--and from some of the real ones I've read, I can assure you she's not far off the mark. The accent, the highlights, the pedicures, eating at Cheesecake Factory--all feature in the twentysomething life in Salt Lake City.

As TAMN would say, BAAA!


benana said...

that is hysterical. My sisters and I regularly define our other friends as to whether they are TAMN or not.

I can't wait to brag to them about you.

Steph said...



and, i just need to tell you, that YES, the class was chewed out for being disrespectful. mightily. chewed. out.

Megan said...

oh TAMN TAMN... gotta love the girl. I'm glad you got a question answered!!! the question was a lot like mine so I was glad that we got such honest advice from the best mormon gal in Utah :D

<3 pinky