Monday, December 27, 2010

Repondez, s'il vous plait!

Sports fans, the title of this blog is no mistake. It is the exhortation to please respond. Not that I am asking you to respond to me; I am asking you to respond to your potential hosts or hostesses!

Really! Pick up the phone or send a note or an email with either your regrets or acceptance to his or her soiree! It's not that hard, people, and your hostess wants you to do it so she may plan accordingly.

It's just not optional. If the host puts R.s.v.p. on the invitation, for crying out loud, respond! Even if he doesn't put it on, respond anyway! Help the poor individual who is trying, against a mighty social tide of indifference, to entertain you and share your company.

And while we're at it, only the people to whom an invitation is addressed are the invited parties! From time to time, if you have an extra houseguest and your potential host is a close friend, you may ask if your extra person may be included. But don't substitute your kid for your husband if he can't make it, or bring your kids with you when their names are not included on an invitation. And don't ask. If your hostess meant for your kids to come, she would have included "and family" or their names on the invitation.

Finally, send a thank-you note when you have partaken of someone's hospitality. You do not always have to bring a hostess gift, expecially when you are not staying overnight, but a nice bread-and-butter note is always a nice surprise and greatly appreciated. And it should go without saying that you send a note in thanks for a gift.


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