Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Day Late and a Dollar (or More) Short

Guess what. I've been scooped again.

Annette Lyon, a Utah writer, just published a book: Their, There, They're, a grammar guide.

I went on Amazon and looked at her chapters. It's definitely got a Utah slant (she has one section on Supposedly/Supposably, and it's only in Utah that I have ever heard this error. That is also the only place I've heard the remark, "He was bein' really ignernt to me." People use the term "ignorant" to mean "rude."). She has a lot of the same things I have on Mrs. Clark's Grammar Rant, which has yet to see the Internet light of day, mostly because I do not know how to set up a website.

Oh, well.

I know I could not hold a candle to Eats Shoots and Leaves, the wonderful grammar book written by Lynne Truss, an Englishwoman and therefore a higher authority than I, but I was trying to make my little light shine.

Move on, dear. Move on.


Lauren Palmer said...

I absolutely loved Eats, Shoots, and Leaves. It put a name to my beloved Oxford Comma, and made me understand why some people put punctuation inside of the parenthesis, some outside. It basically gave me the perfect defense if someone were to- heaven forbid- criticize my grammar... I'm not wrong, I'm just being American (or British.) You can never lose with that argument!

Mrs. Clark said...

Very true, Lauren; I also use the Oxford comma. I put punctuation inside and outside parentheses, depending on the context.

Loved your blog about your sister's letter. I wrote like that when I was her friends all thought I was weird. Wish I'd had an older sister like you!